How to change a password, add, edit or disable a user?

How to change a password, add, edit or disable a user?

Adding, editing or deleting users can only be done by someone with a Human Resources role. If you should have access to this function, but don't, please contact your company Hatch administrator to have that role assigned to you.


Adding a new user
Step 1 - Click Access Manager on the left side of the screen(located in the blue menu)
Step 2 - Click + Add New on the top right of the screen
Step 3 - Complete the user information. There are a few important notes below:
  1. ONLY use company email addresses
  2. If the user fills multiple roles in your organization, you can select more than one role by clicking on the first one, and holding the CTRL button and selecting the roles that are appropriate for that user.
  3. If the user works at more than one location, you can select multiple locations by clicking on the first one, and holding the CTRL button and selecting all other locations that user should have access to. 
  4. IS ADMIN should be checked of very infrequently. This will assign the ability to create, read, or delete every form in the system.
  5. OPTIONAL FIELDS: Employee number and department  
Modifying or user or password
Step 1 - Click Access Manager on the left side of the screen(located in the blue menu)
Step 2 -Find the user you're looking to edit using the search, or bby sorting the columns
Step 3 - Click SHOW on the right side of the screen
Step 4 - Click Edit on the top right side of the screen
Step 5 - Make the necessary changes & follow notes from Step 3 above
Step 6 - Click UPDATE on the bottom of the screen

Disabling a user
Step 1 - Click Access Manager on the left side of the screen(located in the blue menu)
Step 2 -Find the user you're looking to edit using the search, or bby sorting the columns
Step 3 - Click SHOW on the right side of the screen
Step 4 - Click Edit on the top right side of the screen
Step 5 - Uncheck the box that says ENABLED
Step 6 - Click UPDATE on the bottom of the screen